The Beauty of Autumn

The Beauty of Autumn on the Farm The farm is looking so beautiful at this time of year (ok, I am biased...but... it looks beautiful all through the year, in all the seasons)! Each season has it's own joys whether it's new colours, smells, sights and sounds. Colours What could be more joyful than seeing the colours of the leaves on trees and hedges turn from greens through to orangy/yellows then reds. Just like a watercolour painting. The Hawthorn berries and Rosehips are bursting out with their bright red colour as well as a sea of deep purple Blackberries. Smells Just imagine smelling the fresh crisp morning air and enjoying the last warm days until the weather turns. Tastes It's impossible not to think of 'Blackberries' when Autumn is mentioned! They are one of my favourite joys of Autumn, especially picking them whilst chatting with friends or the children on a walk around the farm! Each year I hope to make jam or apple and blackberry pies, but usually they ...